How to Be Productive while Working from Home

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Working from home used to be a rare luxury. Nowadays that is no longer the case, but while remote work has many benefits, it also presents unique challenges. In this blog post, we explore strategies you can employ to stay productive while working from home.

1. Designate a Workspace

Our environment plays a pivotal role in shaping our productivity. Separating your work area from your leisure space is known to enhance focus. Whether it's a home office, a corner of your living room, or even a well-organized kitchen table, carving out a specific area for work is crucial.

Using the power of habit, you are conditioning your brain to associate one area of your house with work. This will put you in a focus state faster when starting your day, and helps you maintain a clear boundary between work and personal life. 

2. Stick to a Routine

Flexible schedules sound cool, but they don’t work for everyone. Many people find consistency to be an essential element of their productivity.

Establishing a daily schedule can help. That includes having fixed working hours, separating types of tasks into different times of the day, having your lunch break at the same time each day and even scheduling small breaks throughout. 

3. Take Regular Breaks

In the quest for productivity, it's easy to forget the importance of breaks. However, these moments of respite should be considered a necessity.

Spicing up your intense periods of work with some breaks can prevent burnout and boost your ability to sustain attention throughout the day.

There are many theories around the perfect work-to-breaks ratio. One of the most popular ones is The Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25-minutes without interruptions and then taking a 5-minute break. After completing four cycles, a longer break of 15-30 minutes is recommended. 

4. Limit Distractions

While some people don’t mind background noise, others report the slightest noise can interrupt their focus. For them, there’s nothing better than noise canceling headphones. Whether it’s people around the house, cars outside, or that neighbor who decided it’s a nice day for home renovations, your noise canceling headphones are there for you. And they also signal to others in your household that you are in "work mode" and should not be disturbed.  

Additionally, there are times when your social media habit can interfere with your work. Consider using website blockers and app limiters to prevent digital distractions. 

5. Stay Connected

Remote work can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation. To counteract this, try to maintain regular touchpoints with colleagues. 

Virtual meetings, group chats, and even virtual coffee breaks can help you stay connected with your team, share ideas, and maintain a sense of camaraderie.

6. Set Boundaries

One of the challenges of working from home is the blurring of boundaries between professional and personal life. This can happen both for your colleagues and managers, and for yourself. Someone may ask something of you after your shift ends. Or you may be tempted to turn on your work laptop for a few minutes to check something. 

While this is great for the company, it’s not great for your health and wellbeing. You have to clearly define when you're "at work" and when you're "off-duty." Communicate your work hours to those around you, and when your workday ends, make a conscious effort to switch off and engage in activities that promote relaxation and recharge.

7. Ergonomics Matter

It’s all fun and games until your back starts hurting. Pain will not only affect your productivity at work, but it will also make your personal time less pleasant. Invest in an ergonomic chair and adjustable desk to create a workspace that supports your physical health and comfort. 

There are even desks with height adjusters that allow you to switch from standing to sitting. This helps with posture and also helps burn some calories.


Working from home presents its unique set of challenges, but with the right strategies and a proactive approach, you can navigate them effectively.